Maldives Research

MaldivesResearch - Research

Development of a Scientific Platform for Efficient and Effective Management of Environmental Disasters in the Maldives
The aim of this project is to develop a novel scientific platform that will assist in the decision making process for effective management of environmental disasters in the Maldives. The proposed platform will comprise of state of the art software tools that will utilise modern scientific methods and computational tools. The platform will be ultimately made available to the decision makers within the relevant government and private sector authorities in the Maldives. 
It is a scientific fact that Maldives is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, sea level rise and prone to disasters such as Tsunamis. Scientific and technical assessments have reiterated the need for long-term adaptation to environmental disasters and climate change for which early warning as well as prior knowledge is the key.   
Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop scientific tools which enable us to prepare for possible future environmental disasters. In particular, such tools can be utilised to protect the critical infra structure, human settlements, assess impact on coral reefs and manage water resources. Additionally it is envisaged that such a platform will provide the ability to simulate possible scenarios of environmental disasters.

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