
a think tank for public policy research

Articles under Events Category

Maldives  Research’s Health Forum: Improving Health in the Maldives

Maldives Research’s Health Forum: Improving Health in the Maldives

Maldives  Research’s Health Forum: Improving Health in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Health Sector – the North Region (2020) Maldives Research will be running a health forum in November 2020 to research current health issues facing Maldivians in the northern atolls in the Maldives. The forum aims to explore views and concerns from different stakeholders on th...
MaldivesResearch Education Forum Findings Published

MaldivesResearch Education Forum Findings Published

MaldivesResearch, an independent public policy think-tank registered in the Maldives and the UK has published a report focussing on improving the education system in the Maldives. This report was produced following a nation-wide discussion forum held in June 2012. Education Forum Report The forum titled ‘Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sec...
Celebrating 5th anniversary

Celebrating 5th anniversary

MaldivesResearch is celebrating its fifth anniversary on 25 March 2013.  MaldivesResearch is a charitable organistion registered in England and Maldives, conducting its business as a charity, independent of government or other organisations. Celebrating 5th anniversary During 2012 MaldivesResearch also registered its Maldives branch with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Maldives. MaldivesResearch he...
Maldives Education Forum 2012 – presentation slides

Maldives Education Forum 2012 – presentation slides

Maldives Education Forum 2012 Maldives Research held its first forum in the Maldives at Iskandhar School, Male’ on 30 June 2012. The conference theme was  ‘Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sector’ and keynote speaker, Dr. Hassan Hameed (Vice Chancellor, Maldives National University) and Professor Hassan Ugail (Trustee, Maldives Researc...
Education Forum: Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sector

Education Forum: Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sector

Maldives Education Forum June 2012   Maldives Research will hold its first forum in the Maldives at Iskandhar School, Male’ on 30 June 2012. The conference theme is ‘Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sector’ and keynote speaker, Dr. Hassan Hameed (Vice Chancellor, Maldives National University) and Professor Hassan Ugail (Trustee, Ma...
Maldives Research Education Forum: June 2012

Maldives Research Education Forum: June 2012

Topics and Questions Education Forum: Your views... Topic 1: Education, Training and Industry: Does Education meet employer needs? 1A. Does the current secondary education provide the right skills and knowledge for business and industry in the Maldives? If not, what is missing from the current education system? How can the system be made more relevant to business needs? 1B. Should vocational educa...
“Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sector”

“Improving Education in the Maldives: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Maldivian Education Sector”

The aim of this forum is to gather the opinions of various education stakeholder groups on the current education system in the Maldives, focussing on various education-related topics of particular interest. MaldivesResearch Workshop - June2012 The event will provide a forum for public discussion on the education sector, kicking off a wider set of discussions on various public policy issues relevan...